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WELCOME TO ANGRY STONEFLY.. outdoor adventuring for gear heads

  Welcome to ANGRY STONEFLY.  My name is Jeff Lomino. In addition to being a avid outdoorsman and blogger, I am also the founder and co-owner of Riverworks Rod Co .  With that said, I will definitely be featuring our gear on this blog. But, Riverworks gear will only be a small portion of all the cool stuff that will be featured on this site. I am a gearhead. I dig outdoor gear.  I am a former Lean Process Engineer in the automotive industry. The largest automotive manufacturer in the world spent a ton of money training me in the philosophy of continuous improvement. I spent the better portion of decade looking to improve things. I am always looking for better gear, better systems, better processes. Me and my buddies, some of whom are also confessed GEARHEADS have and use a ton of gear. We will showcase and feature our gear. We will detail our favorite gear and why we love it (or hate it). Several brands will be featured more than others because I have an affinity for certain brands bas

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